• Proposed
  • 2Under Assessment
  • 3Preliminary Assessed
  • 4Assessed
  • 5Published

Tulostoma shaihuludii Finy, Jeppson, L. Albert, Ölvedi, D.G. Knapp & Dima

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Scientific name
Tulostoma shaihuludii
Finy, Jeppson, L. Albert, Ölvedi, D.G. Knapp & Dima
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Proposed by
Mikael Jeppson
Comments etc.
Mikael Jeppson

Assessment Notes

Taxonomic notes

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?

A characteristic species of open sandy surfaces in the Pannonian steppe in Central Hungary. Known from < 10 localities (EOO 2000 km2; AOO 32 km2). Most localities now protected by law (National Park) but a considerable historical habitat loss due to changing land use turning the steppe landscap into arable land has had a negative influence on its population. Potentially overlooked in steppe habitats that are currently unprotected.
Current population trend unknown.
Suggested: VU (A, D)


Geographic range

Known from < 10 localities in a resticted area in Central Hungary.

Population and Trends

Known from < 10 localities in Central Hungary.
EOO: 1700 km2
AOO: 32 km2

Estimated number of localities: 50
Number of mature individuals: 1000

A majority of records from within the Kiskunsági National Park. Considerable historical habitat loss due to changing land use turning steppe into arable land. It is however potentially overlooked in steppe habitats not currently under protection.

Population Trend: Decreasing

Habitat and Ecology

Saprotrophic species of the Pannonian sand steppe vegetation. Fruitbodies appear in open sandy patches in areas with a scanty vegetation of steppe grasses and Juniperus communis.


Historical decrease of its population due to changing land use (abandoned grazing, transformation into arable land.). A majority of the currently known occurrences within a national park and are thus protected.

Conservation Actions

Regular monitoring.
New localities should be considered for protective actions.

Research needed

Use and Trade



Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted