Syn.: Galeropsis desertorum Velen. & Dvořák, Mykologia (Prague) 7(2): 105 (1930), Gastrocybe iberica G. Moreno, Illana & Heykoop,
Cryptogamie Mycologie 8(4): 323 (1987).
A thermophilous species of steppe grassland localities (declining) but also with occurrences under anthropogenic influence (stable?, garden, lawns, road verges etc
Population fragmented. Eurasian distribution.
Estimated number of mature individuals: 6000Suggested assessment: EN-VU (B2)? or NT(B2)?
A fragmented Eurasian distribution:
Europe: western: Spain; eastern: Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Repblic, Greece, Ukraina).
Southwestern Asia: steppe- and semi-desert-zone.Supposedly under-recorded througout its area due to its being rather inconspicuous.
Fragmented population (three main areas).
Small population according to few records on GBIF but supposedly considerably larger, weighing in its inconspicuous appearance and wide ecologila amplitude.
Known localities < 100
Estimated number of localities: 300
Estimated number of mature individuals: 6000
EOO: 6 000 000 km2
AOO: 100 km2Population trend somewhat unclear; steppic habitats are declining, however it also seems to have important occurrences in anthropogenous habitats where it may not be declining.
Population Trend: Uncertain
Saprothrophic with a wide ecology: dry steppe habitats, semi-deserts, Mediterranean grassland, including anthropogenous habitats (lawns, gardens) also more humid in character. It occurs in open to semi-shaded situations among low grasses and herbs at forest edges, road verges, on lawns and in gardens, on sand steppe with low grasses ( eg.Festuca vaginata) on various soil types. The holotype was collected in a serpentine steppe habitat near Brno in the Czech Republic.
Habitat destruction or quality decline due to abandoned grazing in steppe habitats, exploitation (road constructions, buildings).
Country | Trend | Redlisted |