Cantharellus brunneopallidus is only known from two collections at the same site in north-eastern Madagascar. It may be associated with Intsia bijuga, a tree that is under species-specific threat from logging. It is possible, therefore, that C. brunneopallidus could be at a high risk of extinction, if it were to be restricted to the type locality. However, specific population trends for this species will not match up to those of the host due to the difference in generation length. Therefore, if C. brunneopallidus is found across its host’s range in Madagascar it is possible that the species could even be Least Concern. In the absence of information regarding the full range of the species there is, therefore, a high degree of uncertainty; and so C. brunneopallidus is assessed as Data Deficient.
Chanterelle project
Cantharellus bunneopallidus appears to be known from two records from the same locality, near to Lac Tampolo in north-eastern Madagascar (Hyde et al. 2019).
Population size and trend data are not currently available. The potential host for this species (Intsia bijuga) is currently assessed as Near Threatened under criterion A (Bartsow 2020), which suggests that this species may also be in decline. However, the host is not endemic to Madagascar, and has a far longer generation length that this chanterelle is likely to have (see Dahlberg and Mueller 2011). While it is possible that the species is in decline as threats to its host are ongoing in Madagascar, without further information regarding the species’ distribution the population trend is essentially unknown.
Population Trend: Uncertain
Collections of the species took place on sandy soil under Intsia (Hyde et al. 2019) (presumably I. bijuga), in eastern Madagascar.
In the absence of further information regarding the full distribution of the species, it is not currently possible to accurately identify any specific threats for this species. However, general threats in the region such as land conversion for agriculture and logging could be having an impact on the species. The latter is especially imported, given the degree to which the host plant (Intsia bijuga) is being harvested.
Measures to reduce and halt illegal logging of the host, Intsia bijuga, will be important for this species.
Further research in order to identify the full range of the species is urgently required, especially given the current status of its host plant (see Barstow 2020).
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