Entoloma nigrovelutinum is a remarkable species with bluish black basidiomata characterised by a trichoderm structure of the pileipellis and absence of clamp-connections. The structure of pileipellis makes it superficially similar to species Calliderma. Due to the stipitipellis structure it also has a resemblance to some Leptonia species, or members of the newly proposed section Violaceozonata
with serrulatum-type lamellae edge. However, the absence of clamp-connections combined with the form of the cheilocystidia suggests that this species belongs to the subgenus Cyanula. The position of the species within the Cyanula clade has been confirmed based on the molecular analysis. The closest species Entoloma velutinum from USA (Tennessee) differs by the more slender habit, deeply depressed pileus, and p-distance = 4 %.
The species has only been found only once since 2012. Known from a type locality in Chư Yang Sin National Park (Vietnam). Grows in a well-preservedtropical montane everpolydominant forest with the participation ofFagaceae, Magnoliaceae, Theaceae, Podocarpaceae.
12.375567°N 108.354404°E, alt. 1 700 m
Population Trend:
Grows on soil in a tropical montane evergreen polydominant forest with the participation of Fagaceae, Magnoliaceae, Theaceae, Podocarpaceae.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |