• Proposed
  • 2Under Assessment
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Russula galileensis (M.M. Moser, Binyam. & Aviz.-Hersh.) Trappe & T.F. Elliott

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Scientific name
Russula galileensis
(M.M. Moser, Binyam. & Aviz.-Hersh.) Trappe & T.F. Elliott
Common names
כרסנית הגליל (Karsanit Galil)
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Proposed by
Alona Yu. Biketova
Comments etc.
Alona Yu. Biketova

Assessment Notes

Taxonomic notes

Macowanites galileensis M.M. Moser, Binyam. & Aviz.-Hersh.

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?

Russula galileensis is a Mediterranean species with a very small area of distribution, an endemic of Israel. Studies of its potential distribution in other neighboring countries are needed.

Geographic range

Russula galileensis is a species with a very small area of distribution in the eastern Mediterranean region, an endemic of Israel, found at low altitudes (Moser et al. 1977, Vidal et al. 2019).

Population and Trends

Population Trend:

Habitat and Ecology

Russula galileensis is a subepigeous, mycorrhizal fungus, growing solitary or in groups, under fallen leaves in thermophilous broad-leaved forests with a Mediterranean climate, with evergreen oak Quercus calliprinos, on calcareous soil. Basidiomes occur from late autumn to spring.

Temperate ForestMediterranean-type Shrubby Vegetation


The main threats for this species and it’s habitats are residential & commercial development of natural habitats, limestone minings, livestock farming & ranching, and fires.

Housing & urban areasCommercial & industrial areasScale Unknown/UnrecordedIntentional use: subsistence/small scale (species being assessed is the target) [harvest]Unintentional effects: subsistence/small scale (species being assessed is not the target) [harvest]Increase in fire frequency/intensityOther ecosystem modifications

Conservation Actions

Russula galileensis is not protected by international, national, or regional laws.
A lot of records are located in unprotected areas. Therefore, conservation actions such as habitat protection and limiting development would be helpful.
Ex situ conservation in culture collections developed for the preservation and maintenance of the fungal genetic resources may also be of great relevance.
Additionally, further surveys and continuation of ongoing population size monitoring are recommended in order to better understand the distribution and ecological needs of Russula galileensis.

Site/area protectionResource & habitat protectionNational levelConservation payments

Research needed

Studies of potential distribution in other Levant countries are needed.

Population size, distribution & trendsThreatsPopulation trendsHabitat trends

Use and Trade

Edible mushroom of mediocre quality, sometimes collecting by local people.

Food - human


Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted