A very small population restricted to sand steppe habitats in a national park in central Hungary. May have been overlooked in other similar habitats in Central-East Central Europe (Pannonian steppe region).
Currently known from two adjacent localites world wide.
AOO 8 km2
Its habitat rely on traditional land-use (grazing) maintaining a low and scanty vegetation of steppe grasses and low herbs/mosses/lichens.
Suggested assession: DD
Known from 2 locations in a restricted in central Hungary. Potentially overlooked in similar habitats in other parts of Central - East-Central Europe (Pannonian steppe region)
Small and isolated population.
Habitats rely on traditional land use in sand steppe habitats (eg sheep grazing) that keeps the landscape open and with a low and patchy vegetation. All known locations to date are situated within a national park. Population trend unknown.
AOO 8 km2
Population Trend: Uncertain
Saprotrophic in arid sand steppe habitats with a low and patchy vegetation of steppe grasses and low herbs/lichens/mosses. Fruitbodies appear in patches with more or less bare sand. Xerothermophilous.
Changing of traditional land-use causing overgrowth of sand steppe habitats. No immediate threat as known localities are situated in a national park. Dedicated search missions are needed to establish its total distribution.
Dedicated search activities to investigate its potential distrubution range.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |