A recently described species with several look-alikes in similar habitat. Microscopy is needed for reliable identification.
A rare species so far known from Hungary and adjacent part of Slovakia. Xerothermophilous and psammophilous. eDNA-sequence recorded from California.
AOO currently 24 km2
Trend: Historical and ongoing decrease of steppe habitats due to changing land use: abandoned grazing, transformation into arable land or exploitation (road infrastructure, industrial activities, buildings.
Hungarian localities protected as nature reserves (Kiskunság National Park). The Slovak locality is situated in a small remnant of a formerly extensive steppe landscape along the river Danube.Suggested assessment: EN-VU (A3, 4)?
Pannonian region: central Europe (fruitbodies). E-DNA-sequences from SW USA (California)
Known from <20 localities in a restricted area in central Europe; eDNA-record from Califormia extends its EOO but it still remains very small.
AOO: 24 km2
EOO: 300000 km2Estimated number of localities: 50
Estimated number of mature individuals: 1000Being a species of arid habitats an extension of its distribution eastwards into central Asia is likely, but hitherto unknown.
Population Trend:
Saprptrophic; Xerothermophilous and psammophilous in arid sand steppe habitats. Occurs in patches with bare sand.
The known localities should be monitored regularly and dedicated search missions should be organized in areas with arid, sandy vegetation.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |