As it seems it is a species with an extreme northern distribution. It is known from two sites, both situated north of the Polar circle. Last seen in 1993. Potentially threatened by global warming. More data is needed.
Suggested as DD.
Northern Norway; known from two localities. It is the only Tulostoma species in hitherto met with north of the Polar circle.
Known from two localities. Potentially overlooked and under-recorded. No recent records (1957 and 1993). The localities have been searched later but without sucess.
Population Trend:
Saproptrophic among mosses on calcareous boulders in the boreal-subarctic region.
Potentially threatened by global warming.
Dedicated search missions are needed to establish if it is still present in the area and to obtain more information about distriribution, population size and current status.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |