la evaluación se estableció sobre el proceso de reducción constante que ha sufrido el bosque atlántico desde el año 1700 (cita)
Fuscoporia atlantica Motato-Vásq., R.M. Pires & Gugliotta, in Pires, Motato-Vásquez & Gugliotta, Mycotaxon 130(3): 848 (2015)
Typification Details:
Holotype SP 445618
While many localities in the Atlantic Forest domain of Brazil have been and continue to be sites surveyed for polypores, this species has been recorded from only two sites, suggesting that the species is rare. Currently, this species is only known from three sites with two collections in São Paulo state, Parque Estadual da Cantareira (23º32′36″S 46º37′59″W, 1040 m asl, 27 June 2012, Holotype, SP445618; 11 May 2013, SP465829) (Pires et al. 2015), one collection in São Paulo state, Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso (25°07′59″S 47°57′47″W, 25 March 2015 ), and one collection in Alagoas state, Reserva Biológica de Pedra Talhada, (09°15’00.7’’ S, 36°25’38.3’’ W, 758 m asl, 16-VII-2018, VRTO24) (Oliveira & Gibertoni 2023). No substrate identification was given. It is likely distributed along the Atlantic Forest domain of Brazil.
The Atlantic Forest has suffered from severe habitat loss, which still continues due to an array of threats. A population decline is inferred in due to loss of suitable habitat (da Silva et al. 2020) and the influence that habitat degradation has on species occupation in a given environment (Berglund and Jonsson 2003, Haddad et al. 2015). We suspect that F. atlantica has undergone a decline of ca. 40% – 57% over the past 50 years (three generations) and population declines are ongoing.
Se conoce de tres subpoblaciones con aproximadamente 2 - 10 individuos maduros cada una. Sin embargo, debido a que es una especie lignícola, saprotrofa generalista, inconspicua, posiblemente está distribuída a lo largo del bosque Atlantico.
Se infirió que en tres generaciones (una generación 10-15 años) (50 años son 3 generaciones) el porcentaje de reducción de la población será del 40 – 57%.
Population Trend: Decreasing
Fuscoporia atlantica is a polypore from the Atlantic Costal domain of Brazil. This species is found decaying recently dead hardwood stumps and trunks.
Mata Atlantica. Se estima que en los último años ha disminuído XX ha en este estado en los años 1900 - 2022.
The species is restricted to the Brazilian Coastal Atlantic Forest which is known to be undergoing an exceptional loss of habitat due to human occupation, land use changes, deforestation and fire (Myers et al. 2000). Other threats to the Atlantic Forest include introduction of invasive species and the interaction between these factors (Pinto et al. 2006). Also, the reduction and ‘savannization’ of Atlantic Forest is expected due to climate change in the next decades (Salazar et al. 2007).
The main actions required to prevent the decline of the species is the protection of its habitat by the implementation of protected areas and enforcement of public policies to maintain and appropriately manage high quality sites and recover secondary forests. Additional sites where this species may occur must be considered as priority areas for this species’ conservation.
Additional surveys at other sites of Atlantic Forest are needed to confirm the distribution of F. atlantica distribution. Revision of fungarium specimens may also reveal additional records and sites of occurrence. Fomitiporia atlantica may play a role as plant pathogen, and research on its potential host species or group of taxa may clarify its distribution range and threats.
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