• Proposed
  • 2Under Assessment
  • 3Preliminary Assessed
  • 4Assessed
  • 5Published

Geastrum benitoi J.C. Zamora

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Scientific name
Geastrum benitoi
J.C. Zamora
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Proposed by
Mikael Jeppson
Comments etc.
Mikael Jeppson

Assessment Notes

Taxonomic notes

Geastrum benitoi was first reported from Europe (Spain) as G. arenarium Lloyd (Calonge & Zamora 2003; Jeppson et al. 2013)  and, later described as a new species (G. benitoi) by Zamora et al. 2015.

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?

Geastrum benitoi has only three known occurrences globally, all in Central Spain. The extremely small population makes it vulnerable to stochastic events as well as habitat destruction due to human activities. The three sites should be regularly monitored and dedicated search activities in suitable habitats in the Mediterranean area might reveal additional populations. Suggested assessment: EN/VU (D1) or DD awaiting more data

Geographic range

To date only known from three localities in Central Spain (2024).

Population and Trends

Only known from three localities worldwide. Accoring to current knowledge the number of mature individuals is low (max 300) but there might be hitherto undiscovered occurrences in areas with dry, siliceous soil in the Mediterranean region.

Estimated number of localities: 10
Estimated number of mature individuals: 200

Current EOO: 507 km2
AOO: 12 km2

Small population vulberable to stochastic events

Population Trend:

Habitat and Ecology

Occurs in dry Mediterranean woodlands and scrub on sandy siliceous soil.


The very smal population makes it vulnerable to stocastic events as well as destruction of habitats due to road constructions, buildings etc.

Conservation Actions

Research needed

The known localities need to be revistid and monitored regularly to get an idea of its current populations status. Dedicated search activities should be devoted to the dry Mediterranean vegetation in order to spot additional occurrences and braoden our knowledge of its ecological requirements.

Use and Trade



Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted