The species is also referred to in many journals as Pestalotiopsis foedans (Sacc. & Ellis) Steyaert.
The species Neopestalotiopsis foedans has been recorded in nine countries, and despite the wild distribution of hosts (Arecaceae family), the number of records shows that the species does not have a common distribution, that is, it is rare to be found despite the huge number of existing individuals from palm trees wich have a cosmopolitan distribution. This species is at least concern due to being considered rare with the enormous potential of hosts.
The species has been registered in nine countries but is not considered common due to the low number of records. It was recorded for Brazil in three states: Minas Gerais (Silva, 2016), Sergipe (Barbosa, 2019), Alagoas (Barbosa, 2019) and Pernambuco (Sá, 2021). This is the first record of this species on this site.
The “type” specimen was registered in New Jersey, United States of America.
The species has 14 records in Gbif, however with new articles, previously not considered in the database, these records number increases to 18 (Silva, 2016; Barbosa, 2019; Sá, 2021). It is not known for sure if the population is restricted to certain places or if there is a lack of study about this species. With the increase in works focusing on the species, it is possible that there will be also an increase in the number of records in the future.
Population Trend: Improving
In Brazil, this species was recorded especifically in monocultures associated to palm tree species (Arecaceae), which does not exclude the fact that it can possibly be found in palm trees in their natural environment. Species of the genus are considered endophytic, however some, as in the case of Neopestalotiopsis foedas, have been proven to be pathogenic.
The species was found in tropical/subtropical regions.
The threats to this species are related to it’s host (palm trees). Exploitation in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries are possible threats to palm trees and consequently to this species of fungus. In the coastal region, tourism threatens the natural environment of palm trees such as the coconut tree (Cocos nucifera L.), contributing to the devastation of these areas for the implementation of resorts for example.
To conserve this species it is necessary to consider the conservation of the hosts, the palm trees (Arecaceae). We need to consider the area protection as the area management.
It’s necessary more works in order to define with certainty the distribution of the species, which is poorly studied.
Silva, M.A. (2016). Filogenia, identificação e patogenicidade de Pestalotiopsidaceae associadas com a mancha-de-pestalotiopsis em palmeiras ornamentais
Barbosa, T.J.A. (2019). Identificação de espécies de Botryosphaeriaceae e de Neopestalotiopsis associadas a doenças foliares do coqueiro
Sá, C.E.V.A. (2021). Myxomycetes como possíveis bio-indicadores e potenciais antagonistas no bio-controle de fungos fitopatogênicos a Cocos nucifera L.
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