Most records of this species come from Guyana, although there is an additional specimen from south-west Venezuela; and it is suspected to be even more widespread than currently known. It is not thought to approach the thresholds for listing as threatened under any criterion and so is assessed as Least Concern.
Chanterelle project
The type of this species was collected in Guyana region 8 Potaro Siparuni under Aldina insignis, Dicymbe altsonii, Dicymbe corymbosa, Dicymbe jenmanii or Pakaraimaea dipterocarpacea (Henkel et al. 2014). In Guyana it has also been collected from region 7 Cuyuni-Mazaruni (Henkel et al. 2014), while a re-evaluation of a specimen identified as Craterellus orinocensis in south-western Venezuela was shown to be this species too (Henkel et al. 2014). This gives the species a wide distribution in northern South America, and it is at least assumed that it will occur in northern Brazil too. However, based on the potential plant associates, it could be even more widespread than that.
There is no quantitative information regarding population size and trend.
Population Trend: Uncertain
This species has been collected from the humus under Aldina insignis, Dicymbe altsonii, Dicymbe corymbosa, Dicymbe jenmanii or Pakaraimaea dipterocarpacea (Henkel et al. 2014), in lowland humid forest.
Around the type locality in Guyana, the key current threat is thought to come from small scale mining activities, and associated pollution, but this is still thought to have a minor impact because of how remote the area is (see e.g. Smith and Dentinger 2020). The changing climate is also suspected to impact this species, and with increasing road infrastructure, anthropogenic activities, including logging, could become more commonplace (see Smith and Dentinger 2020).
Further survey work could be conducted to see how widespread this species could be.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |