A newly described species with the looks of L. molle and L. umbrinum. Identifications must be verified by DNA-sequencing.
Species in need of more data to be evaluated on a global scale: NE
Fruitbodies have been observed in Sweden, Finland, Slovakia, Spain. e-DNA records indicate a more or less cosmopolitan distribution.
A recently described species that was formerly overlooked and mistaken for other puffball species. No estimation of population sizes or trends can currently be made.
Population Trend: Uncertain
Saprotrophic species. Habitat preferences not fully understood. The holotype is from a rich nemoral woodland on calcareoous soil, but later observations have shown it to be present also in coniferous forests on both calcareous and more acidoc soils.
Species in need of more data (ID verified by DNA-sequencing) to be evaluated.
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