Justification needed
Leucoagaricus ariminensis is a recently described species of lepiotaceous fungi from Italy. It is currently known from three growth localities in Italy. All collections are associated with the presence of a litter layer formed by the decomposition of cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) residues. This species was found several times in all three sites. In any case, the collections are limited in time and to date, the species is estimated to be presented by fewer than 200 mature basidiomata. Although this species is most likely underestimated, the small number of growth sites and their susceptibility to strong human activities highlight the need for in-depth monitoring and protection of small growth sites.
It is only known in Italy in the regions Emilia Romagna (in the site where the holotype was collected), and two other regions: Tuscany, (data reported by Pierluigi Angeli) and Veneto (data reported by Gian Luigi Maraia).
Population Trend: Uncertain
All collections are associated with litter near cypress plants (Cupressus sempervirens).
Removal of plants, tilling of the soil with reduction of litter.
Possible strategies include signalling the growth sites to park managers and suggesting management operations that do not alter the original conditions.
Not consumed
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