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Rubroboletus haematinus (Halling) D. Arora & J.L. Frank

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Scientific name
Rubroboletus haematinus
(Halling) D. Arora & J.L. Frank
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Assessment date
IUCN Red List Category
Siegel, N.
Mueller, G.M.

Assessment Notes

The content on this page is fetched from The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/195922802/195928271


Rubroboletus haematinus is a locally common bolete in high elevation fir forests in the Sierra Nevada and southern Cascade Range, and also occurring in the southern Rocky Mountains, and mountains in Arizona and New Mexico. The species is widespread and probably under-recorded, and no decline has been observed. Although it has been identified as a sensitive species and a number of possible threats have been identified, it is assessed as Least Concern (LC).

Taxonomic notes

It was described as Boletus haematinus, from a collection made in Sierra County, California, USA (Thiers and Halling 1976); and later transferred into the genus Rubroboletus (Frank 2015).

Geographic range

This species is uncommon to locally abundant in the Sierra Nevada of California, USA, and southern Cascade Range of northern California and southern Oregon. It is also known from the southern Rocky Mountains, and mountains in Arizona and New Mexico.

Population and Trends

The population is widespread, and shows no sign of decline. Currently it is known from ~50 collections, from over 25 voucher-confirmed sites in California alone. It was found 21 times during the 2011-2013 USFS strategic fungal surveys around Mt Shasta, California. It was considered for listing by the CA Rare Fungi Working Group, who considered it under-reported in California, and not in need of being included on the rare fungi list (Siegel et al. 2019).

Population Trend: stable

Habitat and Ecology

It is ectomycorrhizal with conifers, likely restricted to true firs (Abies spp.) in higher elevation forests in the western North American mountains. Fruiting bodies are often solitary or scattered in small numbers, rarely in large patches. Fruiting occurs in summer and fall.


Prolonged droughts and decades of fire suppression have drastically altered western montane forests, leading to thicker, denser, Abies-dominated forests. As a result, hotter, stand replacing fires (rather than patchwork and understory burns) are commonplace, altering appropriate habitat drastically, and making it ill-suited for this species.

Conservation Actions

This species is included on the US Forest Service Northwest Forest Plan sensitive species list. No specific research is needed with regards to this species.

Use and Trade

This species is toxic.

Source and Citation

Siegel, N. 2021. Rubroboletus haematinus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T195922802A195928271. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2021-2.RLTS.T195922802A195928271.en .Accessed on 26 September 2024

Country occurrence