• Proposed
  • Under Assessment
  • 3Preliminary Assessed
  • 4Assessed
  • 5Published

Sceptrulum inflatum (Burt) K.H. Larss.

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Scientific name
Sceptrulum inflatum
(Burt) K.H. Larss.
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Under Assessment
Proposed by
Catia Canteiro
Susana P. Cunha, Susana C. Gonçalves
Comments etc.
Catia Canteiro

Assessment Notes

Unsure what countries to select in the “Country occurrence” section


Sceptrulum inflatum is a corticioid species originally described as potentially rare. There are very few records of this species and no detailed recent occurrences and little information is available. It’s current distribution is therefore not clear, but potentially large. Further research is needed to define distribution limits and estimate population size. Since this species could apply to both threatened and Least Concern categories, it is assessed as Data Deficient (DD).

Taxonomic notes

Only species in the monotypic genus Sceptrulum. It was initially described as Peniophora inflata but can be distinguished from species in similar genera by its microscopic characteristics (Karasiński, 2014). Palifer seychellensis is also considered a synonym to this species (Species Fungorum 2023). Karasiński noted that descriptions of both species included only small morphological differences that could be attributed to intraspecific variability, but observed that the geographical separation between their type locations (Jamaica and Seychelles) could support the possibility that they are distinct species.
So far, no phylogenetic studies have been done on this species.

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?

Geographic range

The distribution limits of S. inflatum are not clear. GBIF.org (2023) includes records of the original occurrence of S. inflatum in its type location in Jamaica and one occurrence in Massachusetts, United States, as well as one further record for the genus Sceptrulum in Brazil (not identified to species level). Maekawa (2021) also included S. inflatum in a list of corticioid fungi found in Japan and, if Palifer seychellensis is confirmed as a synonym to this species, one more record exists in the Seychelles.

Population and Trends

There are at most 4 records available for S. inflatum, if specimens collected in Seychelles are confirmed as the same species. Moreover, collections from Jamaica and the United States were made in 1908 and 1926, respectively, and no further records have been made since in these locations. In the description of the species Burt (1925) considered S.inflatum to be probably rare, but it may also be under sampled given its inconspicuous fruitbodies. More research into the distribution of the species and search efforts are needed to estimate population size for this species.

Population Trend: Uncertain

Habitat and Ecology

Corticioid species, found growing on very rotten wood (Burt, 1925).



Conservation Actions

Research needed

Further research is needed to confirm if all specimens correspond to a single species given their geographical difference, and determine distribution, habitat preference and estimate population size.

TaxonomyPopulation size, distribution & trendsLife history & ecologyThreats

Use and Trade



Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted