• Proposed
  • Under Assessment
  • 3Preliminary Assessed
  • 4Assessed
  • 5Published

Acrospermum chilense Minter, Peredo & A.T. Watson

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Scientific name
Acrospermum chilense
Minter, Peredo & A.T. Watson
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Cup-fungi, Truffles and Allies
Assessment status
Under Assessment
Proposed by
David Minter
David Minter
David Minter
Comments etc.
Anders Dahlberg

Assessment Notes

Taxonomic notes

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?

Acrospermum chilense is a distinctive and conspicuous coloniser of living leaves of Chusquaea quila bamboo in Chile. There is only one collection, but unsuccessful searches have been made for it in a range of apparently suitable localities. The recent eruption of the Puyehue Volcano has disrupted the only known station for this species.

Geographic range

Southern Chile

Population and Trends

This fungus is known from only one station, with only one collection, made in 1995. Unsuccessful searches have been made for it at several other apparently suitable locations in southern Chile and Argentina.

Population Trend:

Habitat and Ecology

The fungus has been observed on apparently healthy young stems of Chusquaea quila, towards their tips, at about 1.5–2 m above ground level. Only a small number of plants were infected, but where the fungus was present, it was frequently on more than one stem of the plant. Infected plants were sometimes surrounded by uninfected plants; occasionally two or more infected plants were adjacent. One to six (but most often three) elongated, clavate fruitbodies projected from the stem, usually within 5 mm of the base of a leaf lamina. Even close to the fruitbody the stem showed no marked lesion or discoloration.


Recent volcanic activity has disturbed the only known station of this species

Conservation Actions

Research needed

Use and Trade


MINTER, D.W., PEREDO, H.L. & WATSON, A.T. Acrospermum chilense sp.nov. from Chile and the Acrospermales ord.nov. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 42 (1-2): 107-112 (2007).

Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted