There is next to no information regarding this species, with no knowledge of the true range, population size or trend. This may in part be because there are two invalid homonyms, which may have confused things. With so little information it is not possible to accurately assess this species’ extinction risk. It is therefore assessed as Data Deficient.
Three separate taxa have been described as Cantharellus crassipes and the oldest, C. crassipes Krombh., has two later homonyms by Velenovsky and Dufour (Index Fungorum 2023). The plate by Krombholz shows a fungus that does not look like a Cantharellus, but probably a Paxillus (I. Olariaga Ibarguren in litt. 2022).
Chanterelle project
No specific geographic range was described for the species by Krombholz (1831). It may be suspected to have come from ‘Bohemia’, but this is just supposition.
It is not possible to estimate the population size and trend.
Population Trend: Uncertain
No habitat information was given in the type description (see Krombholz 1831).
Without further information it is not possible to accurately assess what threats this species may face.
Further research is required into this taxon. Firstly work should be conducted to try to relocate it so that there is a clearer idea of its true range. Survey attempts could start in Czechia, but should not be restricted to there in case it is not from this country. If re-located work should be done to resolve its taxonomic placement, and to investigate its ecological requirements.
There is no information regarding use and trade.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |