Xanthoparmelia pseudohungarica is a terricolous species close to
X. subdiffluens Hale and X. camtschadalis (Ach.) Hale. All have
typically terricolous, vagrant or loosely adnate thalli that lack vegetative propagules, identical medullary chemistry, weakly or
strongly convolute lobes with a brown lower surface and a weakly to markedly white maculate upper surface. Differences among these three species are subtle and overlapping. For a detailed comparison among these three species see Pérez-Ortega & Elix (2007).
Xanthoparmelia pseudohungarica (Gyelnik) Hale, 1988b405.
Parmelia convoluta var. pseudohungarica Gyelnik, 193 1b:285. [Type
Parmelia pseudohungarica (Gyelnik) Gyelnik, 1932a:217.
Parmelia conspersa var. pulvinaris Zahlbruckner, 1925, no. 618. [Type
collection: Vacz. Cunit. Pest, Hungary, Boros s.n. (BP, lectotype).]
Parmelia pseudohungarica (Gyelnik) Gyelnik, 1932a:217.
Parmelia conspersa var. pulvinarir Zahlbruckner, 1925, no. 618. [Type collection: Szikrapuszia near Alpar. Pest, Hungary, Timko s.n. (W, lectotype;
BM, BP, FH, H, L. LD, M, UPS, US, isolectotypes). Nomen nudum without
a description.]
Parmelia stenophylla f. pulvinaris (Zahlbruckner) Szatda, 1929a:78.
Parmelia pulvinarir (Zahlbruckner) Gyelnik, 1931a:155. bvalid combination
based on a nomen nudum.]
Parmelia pulvinaris var. hungarica Gyelnik, 1931a:156. [?hse collection:
Vasad, Potharaszti, Comit. Pest, Hungary, Gyelnik s.n. (BP, lectotype).]
Parmelia pulvinaris var. terricob Gyelnik, 1931a:155. [Type collection: Near
Jutas, Veszreh, Hungary, Gyelnik s.n. (BP. lectotype; H, isolectotype).]
Parmelia pseudohungarica var. vacensis Gyelnik, 1932a:217. [IUegitimate
name for P. convoluta var. pseudohungarica Gyelnik.]
Parmelia pulvinaris f. Iacinulata Gyelnik in Servit and Klement, 1933:31.
[‘l)pe collection: Kaadner Burberg, Czechoslovakia, Klement s.n. Nomen
nudum without a description.]
Parmelia laxa var. ferricola Gyelnik, 1934b:372. Women illeg. without
citation of basionym.]
Parmelia laxa var. pulvinarir (Zahlbruckner) Gyelnik, 193526. Women Ueg.
based on a nomen nudum.]
Parmelia faractica var. pseudohungarica (Gyelnik) Gyelnik, 1936 128.
Parmelia conspersa f. subferricoka Gyelnik, 1936:123. [Based on Parmelia
pulvinarir f. terricoka Gyelnik.]
Parmelia conspersa var. pulvinaris Zahlbruckner ex Gyelnik, Lichenotheca
Pawa 31,1937~ [Type collection: Praemetricum, Szikrapuszta. near Alpar,
Comit. Pest, Hungary, TLnko s.n. (BP, lectotype).]
Parmelia pseudohungarica (Gyelnik) Gyelnik in Servit and Klement, 1933:31.
[Superfluous combination.]
Parmelia taroctica var. pulvinaris (Zahlbruckner) Poelt and Vezda, 1981:222.
[Illegitimate combination. Basionym not cited.]Synonyms from:
Hale, ME 1990: A synopsis of the lichen genus Xanthoparmelia (Vainio) Hale (Ascomycotina, Parmeliaceae). Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 74: 1-250.
The species shows a scattered distribution occurring in few localities of Spain, Hungary, Czech Republic, Russia, Mongolia and Ukraine. It is associated to calcareous soils in dry steppic and continental areas. Small populations sizes in some parts of its distribution.
Criterion A. There is no information about trends in population size over time for the whole distribution area. Data is only available for Hungary where the number of records after 1975 are scarce (two) compared to those before 1975 (>30) (Farkas & Lőkös 2006) and Ukraine. One out of four localities are extinct from Ukraine (Khodosovtsev et al. 2013).
Criterion B. The extent of occurrence (EOO) has been calculated in 541,046.482 km2 using the GeoCat tool. Likewise, the area of occupancy has been calculated in at least 44.000 km2 what is out of threathened threshold. Thus, the species would be assesses under criterion B as LC.
Criterion C. Information about the number of mature individuals or population size is not available. This criterium does not apply.
Criterion D. No information about total number of mature individual is available. This criterium does not apply.
Criterion E. Quantitave studies about the risk of extinction have not been carried out in this species. This criterium does not apply.
The species may be assessed as Least Concern.
Only known from scattered steppic localities in Mongolia (Huneck et al. 1992), Russia, Hungary (Farkas & Lőkös 2006), Czech Republic?, Montenegro (Hawksworth et al. 2008), Kazakhstan, Ukraine (Khododovtsev et al. 2013) and Spain (Pérez-Ortega & Elix 2007).
Data is only available for Hungary where the number of records after 1975 are scarce (two) compared to those before 1975 (>30) (Farkas & Lőkös 2006). One out of two localities are extinct from Ukraine (Khodosovtsev et al. 2013).
Population Trend: Decreasing
Continental and steppic dry localities with calcareous soils. Also found recently in acid soils in Hungary (Dr. Edit Farkas, pers. comm.) and overgrowing siliceous stones in Spain.
Major threats are grazing, trampling and habitat dissapearence. Farkas & Lőkös (2006) points to a reduction of populations in Hungary due to a drier climate.
No conservation actions are known.
1) It would be neccessary to estimate the population sizes of the different disjunct locations where the species occur.
2) Estimation via genetic analyses of past and present connectivity among disjunct populations.
3) Estimation of future distribution in future scenarios of climate change.
Pérez-Ortega, S. & Elix, J. A. (2007) Xanthoparmelia pseudohungarica in Spain. Lichenologist 39(3): 297-300.
Huneck, S., Ahti, T., Cogt, U., Poelt, J. & Sipman, H. (1992) Zur Verbreitung und Chemie von Flechten der Mongolei. III. Ergebnisse der Mongolisch-Deutschen Biologischen Expedition seit 1962 Nr. 217. Nova Hedwigia 54(3-4): 277-308.
E. Farkas & Lőkös L. (2006) Védett zuzmófajok Magyarországon. Mikológiai Közlemények, Clusiana 45(1-3): 159-171.
Hale, ME 1990: A synopsis of the lichen genus Xanthoparmelia (Vainio) Hale (Ascomycotina, Parmeliaceae). Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 74: 1-250.
Khodosovtsev, O.Ye., Nadyeina O.V., Vondrakova O.S.(2013) Species of terricolous lichens new for Ukraine. Ukrainian Botanical Journal 70(3): 386-391.
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