Basionym: Radiigera romana Quadr., Mycotaxon 58: 336 (1996).
Type material should be revisted and checked for potential synonymy with Geastrum species that do not split stellately.
Species only known from its type locality (Rome, Italy 1996).
Cannot be evaluated for the redlist due to insuffient data. NE
Species described from the Botanical Garden in Rome (Italy). Only known from type locality.
Only known from its type locality in a botanical garden.
Population Trend: Uncertain
Saportrophic species once found in a botanical garden.
Species to be revisited and checked for potential synonymy with Geastrum (species not opening at maturity, eg. G. nadalii, G. federeri). Generate reference ITS sequence.
Quadraccia, L.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |