Schenella pityophila (Malençon & Riousset) Estrada & Lado [as ‘pityophilus’], Mycologia 97(1): 147 (2005)
Basionym: Pyrenogaster pityophilus Malençon & Riousset, Bull. trimest. Soc. mycol. Fr. 93(3): 310 (1977)
Easily identified species with a semihypogeous habit (and therefore potentially underrecorded).
Small known population (< 30 localities; AOO 84 km2)); estimated 200 localities; estimated number of mature individuals appr 2000.
No known threats and no data on population trends.
Suggested assessment: VU (D1)
Warm-temperate-Mediterranean: France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Morocco, Sierra Leone, western USA, Mexico adn India Records from Mexico refer to eDNA.
Rare species with <60 reords on GBIF.
Total number of known localities appr. 30
Estimated number of localities 100
Estimated number of mature individuals 2000AOO: 84 km2
Insufficient data to establish population trends.
Population Trend: Uncertain
Saprotrophic, semi-hypogeous species in Mediterranean coastal sandy Pinus forests and mediterranean woodland with Quercus spp.
No immediate threats.
Known localities should be regularly monitored to evaluate population status.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |