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Cantharellus cascadensis Dunham, O'Dell & R. Molina

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Scientific name
Cantharellus cascadensis
Dunham, O'Dell & R. Molina
Common names
Hybrid Chanterelle
Cascade Chanterelle
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Assessment date
IUCN Red List Category
Siegel, N.
Mueller, G.M. & Dahlberg, A.

Assessment Notes

The content on this page is fetched from The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/195922608/195927578


Cantharellus cascadensis is a widespread chanterelle in the Pacific Northwest and northern California. Being a highly prized edible species, it is sought after by many mushroom hunters and foragers. No decline has been observed due to harvesting, and subpopulations are likely to be more widespread and common due to forest management practices for increased timber production, which incidentally favour this species. This species is listed as Least Concern (LC).

Taxonomic notes

Cantharellus cascadensis was described from Oregon, USA (Dunham et al. 2003). It belongs to a complex of western North American golden chanterelle speceis, which were generally recorded as C. cibarius, and later as C. formosus (Thiers 1985, Arora 1986, Redhead et al. 1997)

Geographic range

This species is known from the coast and Coast Range in northern California and the southern Sierra Nevada mountains in California, north through the Cascade Mountains into Washington. It also occurs at lower elevations into southern British Columbia, Canada, east into the northern Rocky Mountains in Idaho.

Population and Trends

The population of this species is widespread, although it is occasional across much of its range and only locally common. Based on the habitat in which it has been observed (N. Siegel unpubl. data 2011-2019), it is often found in young Douglas fir forests which are very prevalent across the range. Therefore, with current forest management practices the population is stable, or may even be increasing overall; and indeed no decline has been noted.

Population Trend: stable

Habitat and Ecology

This species is ectomycorrhizal with conifers; especially common in young to mid-seral stage Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) forests in the Pacific Northwest, and mixed montane forests dominated by fir (Abies spp.). Fruiting occurs in fall and early winter.


No specific threats have been identified with regards to this species.

Conservation Actions

No specific conservation actions are needed with regards to this species, and no specific research actions are needed either with regards to this species.

Use and Trade

Cantharellus cascadensis is a highly-prized edible species. It is commonly collected, and even commercially harvested across its range.

Source and Citation

Siegel, N. 2021. Cantharellus cascadensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T195922608A195927578. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2021-2.RLTS.T195922608A195927578.en .Accessed on 28 September 2024

Country occurrence