Dianema inconspicuum described from French Alps by Marianne Meyer, Michel Poulain and Jean Bozonnet in 2000. The first collection was made by Marianne Meyer in May 1999 from Savoie (France). This spesies have tiny sessile and thin sporocystes, isolated and inconspicuous, peridium bright color more or less smooth.
Dianema inconspicuum is a very rare species, which can be finding on Vaccinium myrtillus mainly on dead twigs of the plant (very rare on V. uliginosum or Rhododendron ferrugineum) in French Alps on altitude from 1400 to 2064. As all nivicolous myxomycetes, it is directly affected by change of climate with, as consequence, a diminution of weeks during the substrate is covered by snow.
It has been pleliminary assessed as VU B2b for France, but this speсies is very inconspicuous and could have more wide distribution in suitible habitats. So during the workshop at Ekenäs in Feb 2015, its present preliminary status was found to be DD.
EUROPE: France, Germany.
The first samples of Dianema inconspicuum was found in France (Savoie) by Marianne Meyer in May 1999. From this time it finding regular from May to June (more rare in August) in Bonneval, Esserts-Blay, La Bathie and Rognaix (French Alps).
Population looks stabile in French Alps, but it is only place were Dianema inconspicuum finds often.
It has been pleliminary assessed as VU B2b (or even Endangered, EN) for France, becouse the extent of occurrence (EOO) < 5,000 km2 and the area of occupancy (AOO) < 500 km2. But this speсies is very inconspicuous and could have more wide distribution in suitible habitats.
In Germany evaluate as data deficient. For global status for today also DD.
Population Trend:
This species can be found in French Alps on altitude from 1400 to 2064 on the highest summits, the snow cover remains intact during the coldest months. Substrates are living Vaccinium myrtillus mainly on dead twigs of the plant, very rare on V. uliginosum or Rhododendron ferrugineum.
It is one of the nivicolous or snowline myxomycetes, found on both living and dead plant material next to melting snow patches in mountainous habitats, typically where there is high insolation in spring. In the nivicolou” habitat, snow cover prevents abrupt soil temperature changes between night and day, provides free water and a ground-level microclimate beneath or near the melting snow favourable for development of vegetative and fruiting stages. The ecological rôle played by myxomycetes remains poorly understood. In general, these organisms feeding only during their vegetative (plasmodial) state, and not feeding when in their fruiting state. They may be encountered on living plant material (e.g. leaves and twigs), in both vegetative and fruiting states, but in such cases the plant material is only a substratum, not a source of nutrition. When myxomycetes are found in their vegetative state specifically on dead plant material, the plant material may be both a substratum and a source of nutrition. It is also possible that in their vegetative state, myxomycetes feed on dead animal remains, living and dead bacteria, fungal hyphae and spores, and other organic material. A little known about interactions between the present species and other organisms, but its associated organisms, ecological preferences and geographical distribution suggest that, in interactions, it is similar to this general picture.
The nivicolous Myxomycetes is directly affected by change of climate with, as consequence, a diminution of weeks during the substrate is covered by snow.
Locality protection need for Dianema inconspicuum
Research about distribution, population size and trends. Search of new localities, clarifying of ecological preferences and threats; determination of the optimal way of the protection and management of habitats. A better understandibng of the specie’s population dynamic would facilitate a better management.
Poulain,M., Meyer, M., Bozonnet, J. M. 2000: Dianema inconspicuum Poulain, Meyer & Bozonnet, espece nouvelle de Myxomycota, et les especies nivales du genre Dianema. Stapfia 73: 85-92.
Annotated Checklist for the Myxomycota of Germany (http://www.gbif-mycology.de/DatabaseClients/GBIFmyxchecklist)
Lado, C. (2015): An on line nomenclatural information system of Eumycetozoa (2005-2015). Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC. Madrid, Spain. http://www.nomen.eumycetozoa.com.
Eumycetozoa. http://www.discoverlife.org/mp/20q?guide=Myxomycetes&flags=HAS:
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