Colonies white to yellowish, growing rapidly on BDA at 25 ° C. Sporangiophores erect, simple or poorly branched, 8 - 9.4 μm diam. Sporangia yellow, globose, with a vitreous aspect, wall deliquescent, 60-75 μm diam. Columellae globose to subglobose, up to 50-33. Sporangiospores up to 5.5 × 2.5 μm, with granular contents. Chlamydospores and zigosporangia absent.
Only reported in five countries. Due to the lack of distribution I would suggest this species to be categorized as insufficient data (DD).
Known in 5 countries.
Population Trend:
Commonly isolated from soil and herbivore dung.
SCHIPPER, M. A. A. On certain species of Mucor with a key to all accepted species. Studies in Mycology, v. 25, p.1–53, 1990.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |