Glomus spinosum forms yellowish brown to dark red brown spores in sporocarps or single in the soil. The chlamydospores are 40-90μm in diam., and have a 4-10μm thick wall which consists of a thin pale yellow-brown outer wall covered with a hyaline to light yellow dense mass of flexible hairy spines, up to 15 μm long and each up to 3 μm in diameter, a thick dark brown laminated middle wall with warts on the surface, up to 1 μm high, and a thin yellowish brown inner wall in one wall group. Glomus spinosum forms typical vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae with Cunninghamia lanceolata and other plant species.
This species has so far been recorded in China.
It is believed that with more studies in different habitats, this species will increase its occurrence number.
Population Trend:
As mandatory symbionts, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi pass a part of the life cycle associated with a host (plant). Thus, the main threats related to these fungi are the loss of vegetation and soil disturbances
Soil microorganisms, especially arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, receive little attention in the field of conservation biology, although they play a crucial role in the production of fundamental ecosystem services, such as fertility, soil formation and maintenance, nutrient cycling and plant community dynamics , among others. For the conservation of these fungi, in addition to the soil, it is also necessary to preserve the associated
In a future scenario, it is important to develop an information system that can predict the degree to which plants depend on mycorrhizal fungi and the effects of this association for both symbionts. In this perspective, understanding more about the evolutionary history and ecological aspects of these fungi, can help to understand the variation in functional attributes between species and even predict the result of interactions between the fungus and the host.
Glomus spinosum sp. nov. in the Glomaceae from Taiwan. Mycotaxon, LXXXIII: 159-164, 2002.
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