Halonatospora pansihalos previously assigned as Glomus pansihalos is recognized by spores with in which the outermost spore wall layer strongly swells and forms a halo with radiate columns when mounted in PVLG, and the upper surface of the laminate structural spore wall layer is ornamented with evenly distributed hemispherical warts (Błaszkowski et al., 2018).
We suggest this species to be categorized as insufficient data (DD).
The species is known in 7 countries.
There are 4 records in 3 countries according to GBIF, when searching Glomus pansihalos. However, it can be found in other countries too.
Population Trend: Uncertain
In Brazil the species is found in Atlantic Forest.
In Brazil, Halonatospora pansihalos can be found only in Tropical rainforest. These forests currently have higher rates of deforestation, especially the Atlantic Forest, which is considered a hotspot.
Most records are in area with native vegetation of Brazil. The isolation of this fungus in controlled condition represents an advance for the conservation of this species.
Other areas should be studied in order to assess the distribution of this species.
Błaszkowski, J., Niezgoda, P., Goto, B. T., & Kozłowska, A. 2018. Halonatospora gen. nov. with H. pansihalos comb. nov. and Glomus bareae sp. nov.(Glomeromycota; Glomeraceae). Botany, 96(11), 737-748.
Cofré, M. N., Soteras, F., del Rosario Iglesias, M., Velázquez, S., Abarca, C., Risio, L., ... & Lugo, M. A. (2019). Biodiversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in South America: A Review. In Mycorrhizal Fungi in South America (pp. 49-72). Springer, Cham.
Wang, F. Y., Shi, Z. Y. 2008. Biodiversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in China: a review. Advances in Environmental Biology, 2(1), 31-39.
Winagraski, E., Kaschuk, G., Monteiro, P. H. R., Auer, C. G., & Higa, A. R. (2019). Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in forest ecosystems of Brazil: a review. Cerne, 25(1), 25-35.
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