Recorded only from type locality in Alcalá de Henares (Spain, Prov. Madrid). Xerothermophilous and gypsophilous.
Suggested: DD
Only known from its type locality in central Spain (provincia Madrid). Two records from prov. Guadalajara (Spain) are based on mis-identifications (Jeppson unpubl.). A record from USA (Washington in DAOM) needs confirmation with DNA sequencing. An e-DNA sequence from China submitted under this name does not fully comply with the type sequence and is here disregarded.
First recorded in 1989 later seen occasionally, but only on type locality, now in a nature reserve.
Population Trend: Uncertain
Dry sloping, mediterranean steppe vegetation on gypsum soil. Xerothermophilous, yesiphilous.
The only locality is situated in a nature reserve.
The locality should be regularly monitored to investigate status. Identifications need to be verified with DNA-sequencing,
DNA-sequence data should be generated from the N. American collection (DAOM 208822) to confirm conspecificity with type.
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