This is a bright eye-catching wood-inhabiting saprotrophic fungus with Holarctic distribution, inhabiting mainly boreal and mountain forest communities. It is declining on a European scale due to decreasing areal of virgin or old growth spruce and fir forests and a poor ability to spread and establish in forest after clearcutting. The total number of localities decreased by at least 20 %for 50 years. It is redlisted in five European countries and 5 regions of Russia. The length of evaluation period according recommendations of Dahlberg and Mueller (2011) - 50 years = three generations. The population in the North America is quite big and stable. Assessment is based on observed population reduction in Europe as Vulnerable under criteria A2c+3c+4c on the European level, but LC globally.
Pycnoporellus alboluteus (Ellis & Everh.) Kotl. & Pouzar, Česká Mykol. 17(4): 174 (1963)
Aurantiporellus alboluteus (Ellis & Everh.) Murrill,
Aurantiporus alboluteus (Ellis & Everh.) Murrill,
Fomes alboluteus Ellis & Everh.,
Hapalopilus alboluteus (Ellis & Everh.),
Phaeolus alboluteus (Ellis & Everh.) Pilát,
Polyporus alboluteus (Ellis & Everh.) Ellis & Everh.,
Scindalma alboluteum (Ellis & Everh.) Kuntze,
This is a Holarctic circumboreal species known in boreal and mountain parts of Europe, Caucasus, Asia, North America.
The main part of global population is located in the North America, meanwhile the European population is representent by 12 countries.
In Russia it’s known in 13 regions. European part: Lenigradskaya, Arkhangelskaya, Moskovskaya, Tverskaya oblasts; Krasnodar Kray, Republics Karelia and Karachaevo-Cherkesia; Ural: Perm Kray, Sverdlovskaya oblasts, Republic Komi; Siberia: Tomskaya and Tumenskaya Oblasts; Far East: Kamchatka
The species exclusively occurs in boreal and mountain old-growth forests of spruce (Picea abies, P. obovata, P. glauca, P. engelmannii, P. pungens) and fir (Abies alba, A. concolor, A. nordmanniana, A. lasiocarpa) with the majority of the European localities known from Norway, Finland, Sweden, Poland, Russia. The species seems to have poor ability to spread and establish in forest after clearcutting. The fungus is gravitating to moist conditions of old forests with abundance of huge overmossed fallen logs on various stages of decaying, therefore, it’s absent in wide range of exploiting forest enterprises.
In total about 900 records are known from America and Europe (~ 750 - USA+Canada; 120 - Europe, 2- George), however the most of them were made more then 50 years ago, besides the number of known localities in Europe decreased by at least 20 percents for 50 years. Today (1969-2019) it’s registered ~ 22 in Europe (incl. Caucasus). In several European countries P.alboluteus is considered as very rare and declining species and included in Redlists of Norway (Cr), Finland (En), Sweden (Cr), Estonia (Cr).
There are about 50 records related to ~ 30 localities (for the all time) in Russia, mostly known from recent time due to active investigations during the last two decades. Current trends in Russia could be considered as decreasing due to intensive timber harvesting (especially in Asian part) and partly habitat degradation.
Evaluation period 50 years = 3 generations (according to the recommendation of Dahlberg & Mueller, 2011). In North America the population is bigger and quite stable. Preliminary this species could be assessed as Vu A2c +3c +4c at European level but LC at Global level.
Population Trend: Uncertain
This is xylosaprotroph which causes brown rot of presumably coniferous wood. As substrates were mentioned Picea abies, P. obovata, P. glauca, P. engelmannii, P. pungens, Abies alba, A. concolor, A. nordmanniana, A. lasiocarpa, Larix sp., Pinus sp., Pseudotsuga sp., Tsuga sp., rarely deciduous trees, viz. Populus tremuloides, P. trichocarpa, Alnus sp.
The fruitbodies appears on large decorticated trunks in their central parts, as a rule on log underside. On the logs closely attached to the ground, the fruitbodies form on the lateral or even the upper sides, then consisting of ruff-like nodules. Most often they emerge from fissures or clefts in the trunk, or from under the bark at the edge of decorticated wood.
The habitats of this fungus are relief depressions which are well-drained throughout the growing season, housing temporary rivers during the spring, and a thick, long-lasting snow cover in the winter.
The vegetation on these slopes is most lurixant and consisted of productive spruce or fir, intermixed with aspen and some other deciduous trees and having regular gaps enriched by fallen logs of various decay stages.
The American authors repeatedly report that the species grows near the receding snowline, or during the winter and spring on snow-covered trees. In Europe the growth period was registered beginning in early autumn.
Forests clearcutting, habitat degradation because of removing of old trees and fallen logs, intensive recreational activities
Setting aside spruce and fir forest reserves where the species have good populations. At these forests, natural or prescribed burning should be considered to maintain desired forest dynamics. The removing of fallen logs in served areas should be prohibited.
Dahlberg A & Croneborg H. 2003. 33 threatened fungi in Europe. Complementary and revised information on candidates for listing in Appendix I of the Bern Convention T-PVS (2001) 34 rev 2.
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GBIF alboluteus
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