LC according to Tomas Laessoe.
Assessment needs to be worked out.
Justification need to be shortened.
This species is maybe the best known among species typical of sandydunes and closed related to pioneer vegetation such as Agropyretum mediterranei e Ammophiletum arundinaceae, an ecosystem considered by the Habitat Directive to be conserved. A rare species variable in appearance but when present then abundant, redlisted in various European countries.
is maybe the best known among species typical of sandydunes, environment considered by the Habitat Directive an ecosystem to be conserved. Concluding if the habitat is threatened, so is it.
This species is maybe the best known among species typical of sandydunes and closed related to pioneer vegetation such as Agropyretum mediterranei e Ammophiletum arundinaceae, an ecosystem considered by the Habitat Directive to be conserved. A rare species variable in appearance but when present then abundant, redlisted in various European countries.
is maybe the best known among species typical of sandydunes, environment considered by the Habitat Directive an ecosystem to be conserved. Concluding if the habitat is threatened, so is it.
This species is maybe the best known among species typical of sandydunes and closed related to pioneer vegetation such as Agropyretum mediterranei e Ammophiletum arundinaceae, an ecosystem considered by the Habitat Directive to be conserved. A rare species variable in appearance but when present then abundant, redlisted in various European countries.
is maybe the best known among species typical of sandydunes, environment considered by the Habitat Directive an ecosystem to be conserved. Concluding if the habitat is threatened, so is it.
A rare species variable in appearance but when present then abundant, Redlisted in various European countries. This species is maybe the best known among species typical of sandydunes and closed related to pioneer vegetation such as Agropyretum mediterranei e Ammophiletum arundinaceae, an ecosystem considered by the Habitat Directive to be conserved. Finally if the habitat is threatened, so it is the linked fungi too.
Nearly cosmopolit going from California to Argentina, Northafrica, Europe
Population Trend:
ANTONINI D., ANTONINI M., 2006 – Libro rosso dei macromiceti della Toscana. Dal censimento alla Red List. ARSIA-AGMT; Campi Bisenzio (FI), pp. 350.
LAGANÀ A., PERINI C., 2002 - Psathyrella ammophila (Durieu & Lév.) P.D. Orton: specie comune o entità da proteggere? Mic. Ital., XXXI(2): 28-34.
PACIONI G., 1986 - Salviamo la duna di Campomarino (Molise). Micologia e Vegetazione Mediterranea, 1(2): 87-88.
PERINI C., VENTURELLA G., 2008 – “Flora da conservare – Funghi”: Boletus dupainii Boud, e Psathyrella ammophila (Durieu et Lév.) P.D.Orton. Informatore Botanico Italiano 40 (1): 149-153.
ROSSI G., MONTAGNANI C, GARGANO D., et al., (Eds) 2013 – Lista Rossa della Flora Italiana. 1. Policy species e altre specie minacciate. Comitato Italiano IUCN e Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |