An inconspicuous bird’s nest fungus with appr 50 known local areas limited to the UK, Germany, Denmark and SW Sweden. Oceanic distribution?
Due to its minute fruitbodies, its is likely to have been under-recorded. Nevertheless a small EOO (1 000 000 km2) and a small AOO (172 km2).Latest registerd record of it on GBIF is from 2015.
Awaiting more data, DD is sugested.
NW Europe, suboceanic.
Currently with appr.100 records on GBIF database (equals 30-50 local areas).
Potentially underrecorded due to its inconspicuous fruitbodies,Estimated number of localities: 200
Estimated number of mature individuals; 4000AOO: 172 km
EOO: 1000 000 km2
Population Trend:
Saproptrophic and terricolous on decaying moist plant debris (small twigs, grasses, culms of Juncus, decaying leaves, rottning wood) in open moorland, humid heathland, oligotrophic humid forests).
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