Although rare, this inconspicuous birds’ nest fungus has a wide distribution and a wide range of habitat and substrates,
Suggested: LC
Originally described from Algeria, later recorded in central England (15 locations), western USA, Tasmania and western Europe.
< 30 localities currently known, but almost certainly overlooked/underrecorded.
Wide distribution on a wide range of decaying organic debris.
EOO: 182 000 000 km2
AOO: 88 km2Estimated number of localities: 200
Estimated number of mature individuals: 4000No data on ppopulation stats and trends.
Population Trend:
Saprotrophic on the ground on plant debris, decaying needles, rotting wood, mosses, rabbit droppings, dead branches of eg. Cistus. A number of records are from maritime sand dune areas where it has been found on decaying parts of Ammophila arenaria. Also inland localities in woodland habitats and in mediterranean vegetation.
Malaval J: C. - 2002 -
Country | Trend | Redlisted |