The genus Cryptophiale was introduced by Pirozynski in 1968 with two species, C. kakombensis and C. udagawae Piroz. & Ichinoe. C. kakombensis shows phialophores setiform, widely scattered, arising singly from flat, conical, swollen basal cells, simple, erect, thick- and smooth-walled, dark brown. Phialides enteroblastic, extending from just below the apex to slightly less than halfway down the phialophore axis, composed of a narrowly ellipsoid shield-shaped plate of apparently sterile cells. Phialospores solitary, 1-septate, falcate, produced in slime and adhering to the fertile part of the phialophore in form of a droplet, drying up into whitish crust, hyaline, l-septate (Pirozynki, 1968; Ellis, 1971; Mercado-Sierra et al., 1997).
The species Cryptophiale kakombensis in Brazil have a wide distribution; in the world there is no register in Europe. This species is associated with decaying leaf material in humid forest, where there is a large production organic matter, but in impacted environments where there is a reduction of vegetation, this species may decline.
Distribution: subtropical and tropical climate regions
The genus is composed by 21 species and it is distributed in Africa, Asia, Oceania, North, Central and South America. C. kakombenis has been reported from decomposing leaves (Kuthubutheen; Sutton, 1985; Lateef; Sepiah; Bolhassan, 2016; Yang et al., 2018).
Population Trend: Stable
This is species is associated with leaf litter
There has been no reports of the species in Europe and desert regions. In Brazil, ecosystems such as restinga, pampas and mangroves are as yet poorly studied.
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