There is a great paucity of information on this species and it is not currently possible to accurately estimate its extinction risk. Therefore, Cantharellus violicolor is assessed as Data Deficient.
Cantharellus violicolor is a nom. nov. for what was originally described as Cantharellus violaceus by Iwade (see Corner 1966). Corner (1966) questions whether it would be better placed in the genus Gomphus.
Chanterelle species
This species was originally described as Cantharellus violaceus, but as this name was pre-occupied this was later changed to C. violicolor (see Corner 1966). This original description was from Japan (see Corner 1966), but there have been reports of it growing in Maharashtra, India (Ranadive and Jagtap 2013, Senthilarasu 2014). As this would be a significant distance from the type locality further work is required to confirm that these records are conspecific.
The distribution and habitat preferences of this species are uncertain. Information on the current status of wild populations of this species are similarly uncertain, and is likely to remain as such without further research into the habitat and distribution of this species, and the threats which may potentially affect it.
Population Trend: Uncertain
Specimens reported to be this species were thought to grow ‘on soil’ (Ranadive and Jagtap 2013). Little further information is know about this species’ habitat preferences and ecology.
It is difficult to assign any threats to this species without further research.
The current status of any wild populations of this species is unknown at this time, and so no conservation action can be recommended.
Much research is needed regarding the distribution and habitat of this species, as well as the potential threats affecting it, in order to classify this species accurately.
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