There is an extreme paucity of information regarding this species, with uncertain taxonomic positioning, and unknown provenance. Therefore, Cantharellus violaceus is assessed as Data Deficient.
This species is unlikely to be a Cantharellus (I. Olariaga Ibarguren in litt. 2022).
Chanterelle project
This is considered to be a European species (Saccardo 1888), but there is no provenance information beyond that.
Without any further information it is impossible to estimate the population size and trend.
Population Trend: Uncertain
It is found in pine woods, with fruiting noted in September and October (Fries 1821).
Without any further information it is impossible to assess what threats this species may face.
Further research is required to relocate the species, to gather specimens in order to get a clearer taxonomic position for the species, and to gain greater insight into the population distribution, size and trend - if it is a good species.
There is no use/trade information.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |