A rare and little known Alpine species; Type material from Nepal in M; ITS GenBank KX998898. Characterized by apedicellate spores; B. albosquamosa described from the same area and habitat is similar although with pedicellate spores (Kreisel 1967: 93); sequenced (ITS - KX998897) material of B. albosquamosa from type locality in Nepal is 100% identical with that of B. glacialis. European records of B. glacialis have not been verified by DNA-sequencing and must be regarded as uncertain.
The fragmented populations of this alpine species makes the species vulnerable. Also global warming may affect it, changing habitat conditions of the localities. Perhaps under-reported and overlooked in alpine habitats but nevertheless the few observations indicate that it is indeed a very rare species with a low number of individuals. Pending an increased knowledge of its occurrence it could be assessed as DD.
An alpine species recorded from the Himalayas, the Alps and the Pyrenées.
Current populations status is unknown. Populations strongly fragmented.
Population Trend: Uncertain
Bovista glacialis was recorded on the typelocality to occur in alpine dry meadows on sandy soil, at altitudes 4300-5120 m a s l. In European mountains in alpine heathland among Salix herbacea (2650 - 2770 m a s l).
No immediate threats although global warming may influence the populations negatively.
The fragmented populations of Bovista glacialis need to be revisited to get more accurate data on its current status.
The conspecificity of the Asian and European populations should be investigated with molecular methods. New records of B. glacialis must be verified with ITS.
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