Species described from India as Mycenastrum bovistoides Cooke & Massee 1888. Kreisel (1967) studied the holotype collection at K and added a a record from Nepal (leg. Poelt 1962, M.). The Nepalese collections was successfullly sequenced and submitted to GenBank (KX998905) by Rodrigues, Baseia & Martin in 2016.
Little know species of the genus Bovista. It seems to have a potential preference for montane and alpine habitats. Very few records; a barcode sequence is available and future investigations might shew light on its distribution and habitat preferences. Temporarily DD
India (Mussooriee?), Pakistan (Chitral district) Nepal (Khumbu) and Spain prov. Jaén & Barcelona), potentially overlooked beeing morphologically similar to several other species of Bovista.
Small and fragmented population judging from current knowledge. Conclusions on population trend cannot be drwn.
Population Trend: Uncertain
Among mosses in high alpine habitats in India/Nepal/Pakistan. In Spain in montane habitats.
The species should be highlighted and searched for in montane and alpine regions of the world. Identifications must be verified by DNA-sequencing. Being cited by Kreisel (1967) the Nepalese collection could serve as an informal epitype /representative specimen.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |