V. intermedium is closley related to Lycoperdon pratense (V. pratense) and described from Texas. Two European records, both to be confirmed with molecular data. Reference sequence is an American (Arizona) collection by S.T. Bates GenBank EU833667
Species with < 40 records. Main distribution in the Americas (Texas and Arizona), scattered records in S. America.Two ambiguous reports from Europe in need of confirmation.
Dry grassland with Pinus and Juniperus, xerothermic steppe.Populations trend unknown. Suggested NE
Main distribution in North America (Texas, Arizona). Two European records from France (as V. cf intermedium) and Slovakia respectively, both in need of confirmation with molaclra data for conspecificity with the American species.
Also recorded from Costa Rica, Argentina and Brazil.
Small population (<40 records on GBIF database). Possibly overlooked or misidentified in Europe.
Population trend unknown.
Population Trend:
Saprotrophic among grasses under Pinus or Juniperus (Arizona). Texas: “on soil in field”: Slovakia: xerothermic steppe
Country | Trend | Redlisted |