Holotype of V. floridanum: Florida (MICH) 12435. Studied by Demoulin 1971 and identified as V. cf curtisii.
Identity of the only European record to be confirmed.
Subtropical-Mediterranean species known from less than 15 localities world-wide (Florida, Cuba, Mexico + one single record from Ravenna in Italy).
Not sufficient data för evaluation.
Species described from Florida, later reported from Cuba (frequent), Mexico (one record) and Italy (one record).
Number of known localities < 15
No data on trends or current status. Last recorded in Florida 1986 and in Italy 2000.
Population Trend: Uncertain
Saprotrophic in sandy grassland, on lawns, in Prosopis grove. Subtropical-Mediterranean
Floridian material need to be barcoded (holotype or designation of an epitype). For the Italian sample DNA sequencing will be needed to establish conspecificity.
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