A warm-temperate ectomycorrhizal species of the Mediterranean Basin and the Atlantic coast of N Africa and S. Europe. Southern distribution in USA. Populations appear to be stable. LC
Mediterranean Basin. Northerly records from southern part of the United Kingdom: Jersey and and Somerset.
Although frequently reported from N. America, Guzmán & Ovrebo (2000) reported it only from Mississippi (SE USA) but it probably has a southern distribution (south of Arizona - Florida). American records north of Oregon - Massachusetts seem to refer to S. septentrionale (Guzmán & Ovrebo 2000, Jeppson unpubl.). Records from Israel and Austria cannot be confirmed.
Abundant species in the western Mediterranean area and the Atlantic coast of the Iberian peninsula. Population stable.
Population Trend: Stable
Ectomycorrhizal with Quercus, Pinus and Cistaceae; Warm temperate, Mediterranean-Atlantic vegetation on siliceous soil.
No current threats
Country | Trend | Redlisted |