• Proposed
  • Under Assessment
  • Preliminary Assessed
  • VUAssessed
  • 5Published

Melanoleuca bataillei Malençon

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Scientific name
Melanoleuca bataillei
Common names
IUCN Specialist Group
Mushroom, Bracket and Puffball
Assessment status
Preliminary Category
VU B2 b(ii), b(iv)
Proposed by
Odysseas Theodorou
Claudia Perini, Odysseas Theodorou
Claudia Perini, Odysseas Theodorou
ISPRA Network for the study of Mycological Diversity
Comments etc.
Anders Dahlberg

Assessment Notes

2023: found in Central Europe. Claudia will check.

Claudia and Odysseas did and concluded that looking to various categories it is still VU.


Melanoleuca bataillei is a rare fungus, being an easily observable, sizeable and distinct species but sure overlooked. This terrestrial saprotroph grows in more open habitats ranging from grasslands to forest margins or clearings in deciduous or conifer forests. It was only known from the Mediterranean basin from a few scattered sites in Morocco, Algeria, Spain, France, Italy and Greece.
A recent study based on multilocus molecular data demonstrated the presence of M. bataillei also in other slocalities and other European countries. Finally 2 subpolutations can be recognized: one in Italy, and one in Czech and Slovakia, surrounded by small isolated sites strong fragmented.

The main threats to the species linked as saprotroph to grazy areas, are the intensification and change in land-use and forestry, the impoverishment and decline of old semi-natural grasslands, abandonment of grasslands, cut down of roadsides.

Assesing this species 3 aspects have been considered:
Taking into account the unknown sites and according to standards (Dahlberg and Mueller 2011), for M. bataillei it could be considered a maximum of 550 estimated localities. Assuming there are two functional genotypes this could correspond to 1100 and the total number of mature individuals results to be 11.000. From this point of view the species is nearly VU, so decided to downgrade to threatened: NT C1,
If the larger subpopulation of Czech and Slovakia is considered, the estimated total number of mature individuals is 5800, grazy areas are threatened, and the species is surely vulnerable, VU C1
If we consider the area of occupancy (AOO = 284km2) it results endangered EN B2 b(ii), b(iv)

Concluding the species, a european one, is assessed as VU B2 b(ii), b(iv)


Taxonomic notes

Melanoleuca is found to be monophyletic genus (Vizzini et al. 2011), characterized by the production of small to large fleshy basidiocarps, convex to piano-convex pileus, light-colored gills, central stipe and hyaline, amyloid, apical spores (Bon 1978, Boekhout 1988).  Although recognition of Melanoleuca is generally unproblematical, many controversies exist concerning the distinction and nomenclature of species and the interpretation of old descriptions and names ( Bas, C. et al. ,1988). M. bataillei is identified because of its medium-sized fruiting bodies with the gray-brown pileus, the light-colored stipe, the whitish gills and the mainly lageniform cystidia. Melanoleuca oreina, which is phenetically similar, differs principally on cystidial shape. Molecularly, they are quite distinct (P%IV = 92.5) (Vizzini et al. 2011). The recent publications (Antonìn et al. 2022) reports various synonyms or wrong identyfied names but according to the morphological characters M. bataillei is the oldest synonym of this species.

Why suggested for a Global Red List Assessment?

Melanoleuca bataillei is a rare fungus, being an easily observable, sizeable and distinct species but sure overlooked. This terrestrial saprotroph grows in various habitats ranging from grasslands to forest margins or grassy clearings in deciduous or conifer forests. It was only known from the Mediterranean basin from a few scattered sites in Morocco, Algeria, Spain, France, Italy and Greece (Malençon & Bertault 1975, Bon 1991, Delivorias & Gonou-Zagou 2000, Fontenla et al. 2003) that could be interpreted as 6 severely fragmented subpopulations. According to standards (Dahlberg and Mueller 2011) the species assessment was proposed as VULNERABLE B2(a).
Anyway a recent study (Antonìn V. et al. 2022) based also on multilocus molecular data demonstrated the presence of M. bataillei also in other countries, with a concentration of numerous observations in Italy, and in Czech and Slovacchia, and then strong fragmented rare localities around. Considering this recent publication the initially proposed assessment VULNERABLE B2(a) is downgradet to NT.

Geographic range

This species was once considered to have a Mediterranean distribution, with documented occurrences in Morocco, Algeria, Spain, France, Italy, and Greece (Malençon & Bertault 1975, Bon 1991, Delivorias & Gonou-Zagou 2000, Fontenla et al. 2003b). However, a recent publication (Antonìn et al. 2022) report that it also exhibits a broader distribution across Europe, as it has been documented in the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, the United Kingdom, Hungary, the Netherlands, Slovakia.
The new distribution shows 2 great patches, one in Italy and one in Czech and Slovakia, surrounded by fragmented, small and isolated subpopulations.

Population and Trends

Melanoleuca bataillei is a rare fungus, being an easily observable, sizeable and distinct species, and has been recorded only in 55 localities. Until recently, M. bataillei was only known from the Mediterranean area with few scattered sites in Morocco (3), Algeria (1), Spain (1), France (1), Italy (8) and Greece (2) (Malençon & Bertault 1975, Bon 1991, Delivorias & Gonou-Zagou 2000, Fontenla et al. 2003). A recent molecular survey (Antonìn et al. 2022), added new localities and also new countries: Czech (12), Denmark (1), Germany (1), Hungary (2), Nehterlands (5), Slovakia (17), UK (1).

Still the species is linked to Europe, and now we can observe a discontinuous distribution, with 2 large patches (Czech/Slovakia with a total of 29 localities and Italy with 8) surrounded by very small scattered fragmented ones.

Taking into account the unknown sites and according to standards (Dahlberg and Mueller 2011), it could be considered to equal a maximum of 550 estimated localities in total for this species. Assuming there are two functional genotypes this could correspond to 1100 and the total number of mature individuals results to be 11.000.

If the larger subpopulation of Czech and Slovakia is considered, the estimated total number of mature individuals is 5800. 

AOO: 284 km²
EOO: 3,864,367 km²

Population Trend: Decreasing

Habitat and Ecology

Melanoleuca bataillei is a saprotrophic fungus that grows individually or in small groups scattered on humus, in various grassy habitats ranging from grasslands to forest margins or clearings in deciduous, coniferous, or mixed forests. Moreover, this species has also been reported on old bark mulch, wood chips, and in dunes, thus expanding its typical habitat range. It is recorded in sites ranging from 600- 1750 m altitude. It is significantly correlated with a high level of decomposition, whereas it has also been characterized as an acid-tolerant species (Djelloul 2014).

Mediterranean-type Shrubby VegetationTemperate GrasslandOther


The main threats to the species, are the intensification and change in land-use, particularly in forestry, and the impoverishment and decline in of old semi-natural grasslands, abandonment of grasslands, cleaning of roadsides.

Other threat

Conservation Actions

There is no evidence that relevant conservation actions take place.
The distribution of the species seerms to be very fragmented and severe local action for its protecion are needed.

Site/area protection

Research needed

The current distribution of the species should be further investigated, to identify if there are more localities at least in the countries with fragmented distribution and rare observations. Reexamination of herbarium specimens may disclose additional records of the species and facilitate the clarification of its distribution. Enhanced knowledge about its habitat requirement would be advantageous to assess its conservation status. It is essential with habitat conservation and management meeting the ecological requirements of M. baaillei.

Use and Trade

There are no uses reported.


Bas, C., Kuyper, T. W., Noordeloos, M. E., & Vellinga, E. C. (1988). Flora agaricina neerlandica. Vol 1. A.A. Balkema Publishers.
Bon M. 1991. Flore Mycologique d’Europe 2. Les Tricholomes et ressemblants. Documents Mycologiques Mémoire Hors Série Numéro 2.
Boekhout T. 1988. Notulae ad Floram Agaricinam Neerlandicam XVI. New taxa, new combinations in Melanoleuca Pat. and notes on rare species in the Netherlands. Persoonia 13(4): 397–431.
De Paz Canuria E .2018. Colección de hongos del Herbario “Jaime Andrés Rodríguez”. LEB-Fungi. Version 1.7. Herbarium LEB Jaime Andrés Rodríguez. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Ambientales. Universidad de León.. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15470/bn9ydo accessed via GBIF.org on 2021-04-23. 
Dahlberg, A. and Mueller, G. 2011. Applying IUCN red-listing criteria for assessing and reporting on the
conservation status of fungal species. Fungal Ecology 4: 1-16.
Delivorias, P. & Gonou-Zagou, Z. 2000. A taxonomic study of macromycetes from the Aroania Mountains. Proceedings of the 8th Scientific Congress of the Greek Botanical Society, 139-142, Patra, Greece [in Greek]
Djelloul,R. 2014, Cartographie des champignons au niveau du Parc National d’El Kala (Nord Est Algérien). phD thesis. Département de Biologie, Université de Annaba - Badji Mokhtar. [in French]
Fontenla R, Gottardi M, Lavorato C, Para R. 2003b. Osservazioni sul genere Melanoleuca: Tre specie descritte da Malençon & Bertault. Rivista di Micologia 46(4): 337–350.
Gonou-Zagou, Z. & Delivorias, P. 2000. The genus Melanoleuca Pat. in Greece: Preliminary study. Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences (abstract), p. 69. Skiathos Isl., Greece
Malençon G, Bertault R. 1975. Flore des champignons supérieurs du Maroc. Tome II. Travaux de l’Institut Scientific Chérifien et de la Faculté des Sciences de Rabat. Série botanique et bologie végétale No 33, Rabat.
MNHN, Chagnoux S. 2021. Herbarium specimens of Université de Montpellier 2, Institut de Botanique (MPU). Version 71.205. Herbarium of Université de Montpellier 2, Institut de Botanique. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/gyvkrn accessed via GBIF.org on 2021-04-23.
Ranz J. 2017. Banco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana. Biodiversity data bank of Generalitat Valenciana. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/b4yqdy accessed via GBIF.org on 2021-04-23. 
Vizzini, A., Para, R., Fontenla, R., Ghignone, S., Ercole, E. (2011). A preliminary ITS phylogeny of Melanoleuca
(Agaricales) with special reference to European taxa. Mycotaxon, 118, 361-381
Zuccherelli Α, Pezzi G &Melandri; M.2001.Funghi di Romagna: Il comprensorio Ravennate.checklist.Quad. Studi Nat. Romagna, 14: 29-67

Country occurrence

Regional Population and Trends

Country Trend Redlisted