Rare boreo-continental species with a small population (est. 2000 mature ind) on a global scale.
AOO: 360000 km2
A rare species with a boreocontinental distribution N. America and Eurasia.
Less than 200 observations in gbif. EOO: xxxxx AOO: XXXXX; Rare species all over its distribution.
Number of mature individuals estimation: 1000 localites/2 individuals = 2000
Population Trend: Uncertain
Saporothrophic species. Grows in dry and open pine forests, often on calcareous soil. Also in alpine grazed grasslands with scattered trees. Dependend on a low herb layer and perhaps minor soil distrurbance by trampling (sheep, cattle, humans…)
Rare species with an estimated number of mature individuals < 2000.
Known localities should be monitored regularl to get a clearer pictur of its current population status and distrinution.
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