This fungus is typically a boreal species, growing saprotrophically on dead logs of coniferous trees, especially Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and on dry and acid soil. It is a rare species throughout Europe. It richest occurrences in Europe is in the north : Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway and Finland). The population in Europe is very small and fragmented (Russia, Lithuania). The European population is estimated to have declined, and continuing to decrease due to the intensification of sylvicultural practices.
It is preliminary red-list assessed for Europe. It is a good indicator for unmanaged old boreal pine forests, indicator of natural forests of high conservation value.
Global distribution : Circumpolar in the conifer zone, but restricted to high altitudes and areas with continental climate (Ryvarden & Gilbertson 1993, Ryvarden & Melo 2014). Europe, Asia (Siberia, China), North America (USA, Canada).
Distribution in Europe : The species mainly occurs in lowlands, only exeptionnaly in mountainous regions (Spain, Sweden). Mentionned in Estonia but Estionian mycologists consider it as very doubtful. Also mentioned in France, Germany and Yougoslavia, but there is not any confirmation of its presence in those countries.
Areal diagnosis for Europe : Typically Boreal, with also very few occurences scattered in Arctic, Atlantic (Norway), Central-Europe (North), Alpine and Merditerranean domains. Absent from Thermonemoral and steppic domains.
Number of currently known sites : About 400 (bunched in Scandinavia)
Population Trend: Decreasing
Trophism, hosts and substrates : The fungus is a lignicolous saprotroph wich probably colonizes coarse wood of Pinus sylvestris. However there is records on Picea abies.
Vegetation : The species has a striking preference for boreal forests (taiga). It grows in rather dry coniferous forests with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)
Soil requirements : Because the species is lignicolous, soil characters should be without relevance. According to the ecological preferences of Pinus sylvestris the soils of the sites should be more or less dry and acid.
Synanthropy: The fungus is mainly restricted to natural and near-natural forests.
Indicator value : The species is a good indocator for unmanaged old boreal pine forests. It is listed among the species indicative of both virgin spruce-dominated and virgin pine-dominated forests.
Occurence of fruitbodies (phenology) : Basidiocarps are produced from summer until autumn (July-October)
Sites are mainly threatened by sylvicultural intensification
The species is red listed in Finland, Norway, Poland and Sweden.
Fraiture, A., & Otto, P. Distribution, ecology and status of 51 macromycetes in Europe. Results of the ECCF Mapping Programme. Meise: Botanic Garden Meise; 2015. Scripta Botanica Belgica, 53.
Maslovsky, O., & Pronkina, G. (2004). Important plant areas of Belarus.
Niemelä, T., Kinnunen, J., Lindgren, M., Manninen, O., Miettinen, O., Penttilä, R., & Turunen, O. (2001). Novelties and records of poroid Basidiomycetes in Finland and adjacent Russia. Karstenia, 41(1), 1-21.
Ryvarden, L. (1976). Type studies in the Polyporaceae, 7. Species Described by JM Berkeley from 1836 to 1843. Kew Bulletin, 81-103.
Ryvarden, L., & Gilbertson, R. L. (1993). European polypores: Part 1: Abortiporus-Lindtneria. Fungiflora A/S.
Ryvarden, L. Gilbertson RL. (1994). European Polypores 2.
Ryvarden, L. Ireneia, (2014) - Poroid Fungi of Europe.
Volk, T. J., Burdsall, H. H., & Reynolds, K. (1994). Checklist and host index of wood-inhabiting fungi of Alaska. Mycotaxon, 52(1), 1-46.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |