There is limited information available from the type description of the species, and only one possible specimen of C. edulis. With a lack of occurrence data and information on the habitat and ecology of the species, it is not possible to assess the status of its population or distribution.
It is therefore now assessed as Data Deficient.
Cantharellus edulis was described in 1797 C.H. Persoon.
Note that GBIF lists C. edulis Pers. as a synonym of Cantharellus cibarius on GBIF, however only C. edulis Sacc. is a named synonym of C. cibarius on Index Fungorum.
Chanterelle species to be assessed as part of the chanterelle comprehensive project, but dropped because it is a probable synonym.
No distribution information appears to be recorded with the type of C. edulis.
GBIF records one undated preserved specimen under this species name, collected from Santander in Spain. Without further information about how this specimen was attributed to C. edulis Pers. and when it was collected, it is currently excluded from the known distribution.
Only known from type.
Population Trend: Uncertain
No information available from type description.
No known threats.
Confirmation of taxonomic status, population and distribution data and ecology required to better assess species.
No clear records of use, however the species name suggests it may have been regarded as edible when described.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |