Rare species with a wide distribution. Currently <50 records but “dark number of localities” potentially large due to its wide distribution (estimated 300).
Occurrences in steppe habitats, dry sandy grasslands, light sandy pine forests.
Population decline historically and ongoing due to habitat destruction (steppe grasslands turned into farmland), exploitation, and ceased or abandoned grazing.Suggested assessment VU-NT (C1) (large # “dark localities”)
N. & S. America, Eurasia - a rare species throughout its distribution range.
<50 records on GBIF database
Number of localities: <40
Estimated number of localities: 300
Estimated number of mature individuals: 6000
AOO: 156 km2
EOO 72 million km2
Population Trend: Uncertain
Saprotrophic in dry grassland /steppe vegetation on sandy - clayish or gypsum soil. Mostly in exposed situations but sometimes in light woodland (Pinus). Fruitbodies occur in places with a low and scanty vegetation mixed with surfaces of open (sandy) soil.
Overgrowth due to ceased or abandoned grazing
Exploitation of habitats (buidlings, roads).Historical (and ongoing) habitat destruction/decline due to changes in land use - steppe grassland turned into arable land.
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