There is very little information available for this species, and its true distribution, population size and trend are all unknown. The generic position of the species is also uncertain. With such uncertainty it is not possible to accurately estimate its extinction risk. As such, Cantharellus transiens is assessed as Data Deficient.
Given its ecology it is suspected to not be a Cantharellus, but its true identity is uncertain (I. Olariaga Ibarguren in litt. 2022).
Chanterelle project
This species is only described as being from ‘Czechoslovakia’ in Petrak (1950).
There are no quantitative data regarding the overall population size and trend.
Population Trend: Uncertain
The only ecological information in Petrak (1950) is that it was collected from leaf mould. This implies it may occur in woodland.
Without further information, an assessment of the potential threats this species may face is not possible.
Further research into this species is required. This should focus on ascertaining the true taxonomic position of the species, as well as getting a clearer indication of its distribution and ecological requirements.
There is no use/trade information.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |