Craterellus zelleri was described from dense forest in Oregon. However, even at the time of description there were doubts over its taxonomic placement in this genus. There is also some uncertainty over its ecology. Given the paucity of data, and the uncertainties there are, this species is assessed as Data Deficient.
Upon description, Burt (1926) suspected that this species could eventually be placed in the genus Merulius.
Chanterelle project
Craterellus zelleri was described from dense forest in Oregon, USA (Burt 1926). This appears to be the only record of this species.
There is no information on population size and trend.
Population Trend: Uncertain
The collection of this species occurred in March, on the ground in dense forest (Burt 1926). When it was described it was suspected that the species might also be parasitic or saprophytic on the pilei of Craterellus cornucopioides (Burt 1926).
As the species was found in dense forest, then threats to areas of old growth in western USA may be a threat to this species. Such threats include logging and forest fires, although the degree of impact these would have on this species is uncertain.
Further research is required on this species. Surveys are required to re-located the species, and to get a better idea of its full distribution and abundance. Such research can also give a clearer indication as to the ecology of the species too. Taxonomic work to confirm its genus could also be conducted.
There is no information regarding use/trade of this species.
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