No recent information is available for R. roseus, namely since the establishment of this genus in 1923. It seems to have been forgotten to science and may be a synonym of another species so a review is needed to evaluate its taxonomic validity. Therefore, R. roseus is assessed as Data Deficient (DD).
Only accepted species in the Rhodobolites genus in Species Fungorum (2023). The synonyms included are Suillus roseus, Boletus roseus and Tylopilus roseus, but the establishment Boletus roseus (Rabenhorst and Grunow, 1884) was based on Boletus alutarius Rostk. (now considered a synonym of Tylopilus felleus). A taxonomic review is needed.
Likely Central Europe, given its inclusion in “Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz” (= Flora for Germany, Austria and Switzerland).
Given the lack of records it is not possible to estimate population size or trends.
Population Trend: Uncertain
Taxonomic research is needed to determine validity and synonymia for this species.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |