Although rare, this species has a world-wide distribution and occurs in the wild as well as in urban parks and plantations. No data on populations trends. No immediate threats.
Suggested: LC
Recorded from N. America (western USA and Mexico; few records), S. America (stated to be common by Wright 1987), rare records in the Middle east (Israel), Oceania and S. Africa. Scattered occurrences in southern and east central Europe.
World-wide distribution but with only (<100 records on GBIF.)
EOO: 214 000 000 km2
AOO: 156 km2Estimated number of localities: 300
Estimated number of mature individuals: 6000Population trends unkown.
Population Trend: Uncertain
Saprotroph in sandy and clayish in semi-exposed/semi-shaded grassy habitats. It avoids arid regions. In Europe sometimes in in anthropogenous habitats (lawns in urban parks).
Temperate - warm temperate - subtropical.
No data
Country | Trend | Redlisted |