Syn.: G. badium Pers; G. umbilicatum Fr.
Geastrum elegans is threatened by overgrowth of exposed grassland habitats due to abandoned grazing. Also human activities (road infrastructur, buildings etc) on its localities are detrimental. It is redlisted as EN in its core area in Europe. Suggested assessment VU-NT (A4, C1)
Geastrum elegans has a wide world distribution in temperate regions. It does not seem to have been recorded from Africa. It has been most frequently reported from Europe where it seems to have a stronghold.The Portugese record originates from Madeira. A Chinese record on GBIF database has ambiguous sequence data not matching the European species concept.
Although widely distributed and with appr. 1400 records in the GBIF database
Population size declining due to overgrowth (abandoned grazing) and exploitation of its main habitat, warm, open grazed grassland (historical and ongoing).Known localities: appr. 1000
Estimated number of localities: 2000
Estimated number of mature individuals: 20000AOO: <700 km2
Population Trend: Decreasing
Saprotrophic species of exposed habitats on dry and warm calcareous grassland, sand dunes, steppe habitats, sometimes also in semi-open woodland and at forest edges. It needs a low and patchy field layer to produce its fruibodies.
Geastrum elegans is threatened by overgrowth of exposed grassland habitats due to abandoned grazing. Also human activities (road constructions, buildings etc) on its localities are detrimental.
Red-listed in Sweden (EN; D-crit.), Czech Republic (CR), Poland (proposed EN), Norway (xx); known localities for G. elegans need to be regularly monitored to get an overview of its current status.
Country | Trend | Redlisted |