Peridium obconic to cyathiform, 6–7 mm high and 4–5.5 mm wide at the mouth; outer surface of peridium plicate but not strongly sulcate, brown, with few yellow short hairs; inner surface plicate, dark brown, shiny. Peridioles ellipsoid to circular in outline, greyish copper, shiny, 2.0–2.75 mm diam., cortex two-layered with tunica. Basidiospores ellipsoid, colourless, 17–19 × 9–11 μm, thick-walled (1.5–3.0 μm). Growing on dung.
The species is known for many countries (pantropical distribution). We, thus, suggest this species to be categorized as Least Concern (LC).
Tropical and subtropical America and Africa (10 countries)
There are 169 records of this species in GBIF, most of them from Brazil (72).
Population Trend: Uncertain
Growing on dung. Common in Brazil, found in Amazon Forest, Atlantic Forest, Caatinga and Cerrado.
In Brazil, this species is well distributed. However, it is found in the Atlantic Forest, a hotspot, in the Amazonia (currently being deforested at the highest rates in the last decades) and Cerrado (also a hotspot). Also, Caatinga is threatened with desertification.
Reports in Brazil are mostly from protected area.
It would be important to have more collections from American tropical countries.
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